HD Wallet
Conversion tool
Paper Wallet
Nyzo Space - HD Wallets
BIP39 Mnemonic
Generate (12 words)
Generate (24 words)
BIP39 pass
Previous versions of Nyzospace used "NYZO_ROCKS!" as password. You can also leave it empty for compatibility with other implementations, or to a password of yours. This impacts seed generated from the BIP39 mnemonic. Use NYZO_ROCKS! if you have a seed from previous version and want to get the same addresses.
Derivation scheme
Simple m/x' (previous default)
BIP44 m/44'/380'/x'
Addresses count
Get Addresses
Get Legacy Addresses
Get Ledger compatible Addresses
Nyzo HD Wallet courtesy of Angainor
MIT Licence: do what you want, provided you keep the credits.