A Paper wallet for Idena (DNA) Crypto currency.
In current troubled times, wearing a mask when going out is more necessary than ever ;)
Current state
Functional, follows current standards for HD wallet derivation.
See https://angainordev.github.io/DnaMask/doc/ for more.
Auto build Github pages version: https://angainordev.github.io/DnaMask/js/dist/index.html
Paper wallets https://angainordev.github.io/DnaMask/doc/paperwallet
Selectable wallet template, see the doc on how to submit your own templates to be included.
New: Added offline signed tx generation
Offline signing feature
Made possible with Idena.Today’s team help and dnaurl protocol, see https://angainordev.github.io/DnaMask/doc/offline
- Improve GUI
Add offline message signing
- Trezor integration
- Browser extension was suggested
Donation address
Donations will help us maintain and improve this tool and other ones
Idena Address