Hierarchical Deterministic wallet for Idena Crypto currency.
Full JS Version.
- Generate any amount of keys from a single BIP39 mnemonic
- Convert any seed into a BIP39 mnemonic (paperCode) and back.
- conforms to BIP44
- Supports Idena robohashs
Auto build Github pages version: https://angainordev.github.io/DnaMask/js/dist/index.html
Derivation mechanism
BIP 39 - BIP44 - SLIP-0044
Coin type 515 was registered, PR:
You can use coin type 60 (eth) for tests but this is highly discouraged.
A checkbox is available on the HD wallet generation page.
Paper codes
Paper codes allow to regenerate individual wallets without the master word pass.
Offline signing
Made possible with Idena.Today’s team help and dnaurl protocol, see https://angainordev.github.io/DnaMask/doc/offline
See test directory for API and sample use.
- v0.6: Fix test vector and test case with correct sig.recoveryParam
- v0.5: Add offline signed tx generation
- v0.4: Display address index 0 - index was previously starting at 1.
- v0.3: Display bip39 mnemonic when creating a paperwallet from nodekey
- v0.2: Use 515 as coin type by default
- v0.1: Initial commit, fully functional
Donation address
Donations will help us maintain and improve this tool and other ones
Idena Address